"The Alternates" is property of
Jed Soriano, William Chapin, and Preston Chapin.
© 2010-2011.
Web hosting provided by Xepher.
Introducing Thevious, the star of our little prologue and his..er…client, general Alec Tannir. The spell effect is actually the result of a gate spell, which pulled a very small piece of the stellar atmosphere down to the planet. So yeah, it looks like a nuke.
-William Chapin, writer
Welcome to the first official page. This is the main format of the pages. We’ve chosen to give The Alternates a dark, gritty feel, coupled with a “storyboard” –styled paneling. The colors have been muted to add to the atmosphere. Future pages will allow for larger panels depending on the scene, but they’ll all fall into the same grid.
-Jed Soriano, artist